Chris Wendt

Chris Wendt is responsible for the planning and design of Microsoft’s machine translation services: Microsoft Translator, Bing Translator, Skype Translator and translation features in Office, Internet Explorer and Bing, as well as the subscription service available to the public. He guided the incubation of the original internal research project in the NLP group to one of the two most widely used automatic translation services on the web.

Chris Wendt

In the third and final episode of our series on neural machine translation, we focus on how advancements in neural MT will impact LSPs and professional translators from a practical perspective. Hear why leading experts believe neural MT is a means to … Read more

The New York Times is writing about it. So is The Economist and dozens of other prestigious business publications. Why is Neural MT suddenly so important–and critical to language service providers? Tune in for the first in our three-part series … Read more

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